Agrani Bank

Company Mission & Corporate Philosophy



To realize the vision, the company will implement small and medium credit servicing to the eligible entrepreneurs with particular emphasis to women entrepreneurs in the urban, semi-urban and rural areas. The potential entrepreneurs will be identified and entrepreneurship/skill development training will be conducted for giving them a hands-on-experience to skillfully run their enterprises along with providing credit facilities to implement his/her projects/enterprise. The mission of the company is to create successful entrepreneurs by providing financial assistance with intense supervision and monitoring so as to ensure the fruitful implementation of the financed projects/enterprises.





In line with the national strategy for economic growth, poverty reduction, and social development, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) has been prepared following the millennium development goal declared by the UN to reduce the poverty by 50% by 2015. In order to achieve these objectives, annual GDP growth should be at least 7% for which investment is an important driving factor. The implementation of company’s core activities through financing the Small and Medium Enterprises of missing middle section would contribute to the fulfillment of these objectives. Following the GOB strategy for the poverty alleviation, the vision of the company is to develop sustainable small and medium scale entrepreneurs to generate income and employment opportunities with special emphasis to the women entrepreneurs.


2020-11-09 07:17:34

Integrated Loan

Banking software is enterprise software that is used by the banking industry to provide and manage the financial products they provide. Within retail banks, banking software typically refers to core b readmore>>

2020-11-09 07:25:12


Employment generation from SMEs Financing to growth of Bangladesh economics sector. readmore>>

2020-11-09 07:25:51

Business Review

Agrani SME Financing Company Limited Finance SMEs loan to new entrepreneur (missing middle) people who want to self dependent readmore>>